June 2, 2011

Photo Challenge: SIMPLE

I love the theme for this photography challenge which is SIMPLE.  I have just the picture to submit for this.

- Each entry MUST link back to littlesomethings.net via a button or hyperlink
- The photo must be taken by you
- Limit one submission per person
- All entries must be submitted by Friday night
- A blog is not needed to enter, you are welcome to link up your flickr
- I reserve the right to remove any entry that is a) inappropriate or b) doesn't link back to LS
- Link up your post, NOT your blog
- Browse the other entries and try to leave a comment or two
- Try to take a new photo for the prompt
- Have fun!


This was taken in Greece with a point and shoot Canon.  The simplicity of it is what I love and the color just jumps of the page.


  1. What a beautiful picture!


  2. wow. I've never seen and ocean so BLUE! It's really beautiful.

    Have a wonderful day! xxxx~Kelsey

  3. I brightened it up a bit with my edits, but yeah even the original was quite blue.

  4. That is a beautifully simple yet also so very lovely photo. Ah Greece, that brings back many memories of vacations in my relative youth :-)
