June 3, 2011

Can you smell the tulips?

I don't usually shoot great pictures of flowers but I figured I'd participate in this photo challenge anyway.  I didn't see anything about how many submissions you can make but when I checked other submissions it looks like only one, so here it goes:


Although it's lacking composition, tulips are my favorite flower and I love the softness of this picture.  These are the center piece of my sister's dining room table.  I love how many there are and the way they sort of spill over the vase.  I like how you can see the stems also!


  1. Well, this is Dreamy! A beautiful photo of a bouquet of tulips! I have a very hard time photographing tulips too and I have to say I love this!

  2. Very pretty set-up! Lovely shot! I'm not sure I've seen white tulips before.

  3. Holy wow! What a centerpiece! I love tulips too. And white might be my fav! Thanks so much for linkin up to crazy days of summer! Hope you'll come back and share more with us in the coming weeks.

  4. i love tulips...
    and one day, i will have them! :)
    until them, i can enjoy everyones photos!

  5. Very Lovely arrangement of tulips! I love unusual vases!!

  6. Beautiful tulips...love the arrangement! Thanks for the visit, have a great weekend.


  7. Oh my goodness, that centerpiece is to die for! Those tulips are gorgeous! Thanks so much for joining our Crazy Days of Summer photo challenge. I'd love for you to come back and join us again next week. The theme will be "refreshing." :)

  8. Thanks Kristi! I have your photo challenge marked on my calendar so I hope to be back a lot.
